What is Strabismus ( crossed-eyes ) ?
Strabismus, more commonly known as crossed-eyes, is a vision condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. For some reason, one or both eyes turn in, out, up, or down.
What causes crossed-eyes ?
Coordination of the eyes and their ability to work together is a learned trait that develops within a child's first six years. Failure of the eyes ( or more precisely, the eye muscles ) to adjust properly can lead to crossed-eyes. Crossed-eyes amy also have a tendency to be hereditary.
Will a child outgrow crossed-eyes ?
This is a common misconception. A child will not outgrow crossed-eyes. In fact, the condition may only get worse without treatment.
What are the effects of crossed-eyes ?
Children with crossed-eyes may initially have ddouble vision. This occurs because both eyes are not focusing on the same object. In an attempt to avioid double vision, the brain will eventually disregard the image from the unfavored eye. In time, the ignoredeye will become incapable of functioning normally and will become largely unused.
How are crossed-eyes diagnosed ?
Parents of the child amy be the first to notice a slight wandering of one or both eyes. A complete vision examination by an optometrist is recommended if this occurs. The examination can determine if strabismus is present.
How are crossed-eyes treated ?
Treatment for crossed-eyes can include eyeglassed ( regular or bifocal or progressive lenses ), prisms, vision therapy, and in some cases, surgery. Crossed-eyes can be corrected with excellent results if detected and treated early.